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🎙️ The role of Communicator

The role of Communicator allows you to share communications with the entire site without being part of any teams.

Adhémar de Saint Just avatar
Written by Adhémar de Saint Just
Updated over 10 months ago

What does the role of Communicator entail?

The role of Communicator allows for sharing communications with all teams within a site without necessarily being a member of those teams.

For instance, in the case of a communication, marketing, or HSE department of a site, these individuals need to regularly communicate with all teams. With the "Communicator" role, they can easily share communication with all teams on a site without being part of those teams themselves.

This role is assigned at the site level. It does not grant access rights to items within the teams if the user is not a member.

How to assign the role of Communicator?

Step 1: Access the "MEMBERS" tab at the site level.

Step 2: Assign the "Communicator" role to the desired members.

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